Thursday 28 July 2011

ZOLL defibrillator FAQs

!±8± ZOLL defibrillator FAQs

What is sudden cardiac arrest?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) simply means that the heart unexpectedly and suddenly stopped beating. This is usually caused by a heart rhythm disorder called ventricular fibrillation (VF).

SCA is the same as a heart attack?

No. A heart attack is a condition in which blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked, resulting in the death of heart muscle. Heart attack victims usually (but not always) experience chest pain andusually remain conscious. Heart attacks are serious and sometimes cause sudden cardiac arrest. However, SCA can occur independently, and without signs of a heart attack. SCA leads to death if not treated immediately.

Who is at risk of sudden cardiac arrest?

While the average age is about 65 victims of SCA, SCA is unpredictable and can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime.

What is VF?

VF is an abnormal heart rhythm often seen in SCA. This rhythm is an unusual and very rapid riseheart's electrical activity. VF is chaotic and disorganized, the heart just quivers and can not effectively pump blood. VF is of short duration and worsen asystole (a flat line) if not treated immediately.

VF is treated as?

The only effective treatment for VF is an electrical shock called defibrillation. Defibrillation is an electric current to the chest. The electric current flows through the heart, with the aim of stopping the VF and gives the opportunity toto take normal heart's electrical system control. This current helps the heart's electrical activity so it can pump blood again. An automated external defibrillator (AED) can defibrillate the heart.

What is an AED?

An AED is a device that analyzes and tries shockable heart rhythm, advises the rescuer and the need for defibrillation shock when necessary.

Will I hurt the victim with an AED?

If the people on that is accessible and not usedBreathing is the AED is extremely safe. Decision of the AED shock victim's heart rhythm and defibrillation is based only a shockable rhythm.

What happens if I forget the steps for using an AED?

The steps for shocking a victim of SCA are simple and direct. The request AED Plus ® provides audible and visual instructions for the entire resuscitation. The hardest part is recognizing the need for defibrillation.

Should I apply or CPR firstElectrodes AED?

Just CPR until the AED arrives. Apply pads to the victim's bare chest and follow the voice prompts and messages of the AED. They tell you when to resume CPR.

If defibrillation is so important, why should I do CPR?

CPR provides some circulation of oxygen-rich blood of the victim's heart and brain. This circulation delays both brain death and the death of heart muscle. CPR also makes the heart more likely to respondDefibrillation.

I can be quoted with an AED?

Until now, there's never a case where someone can be held liable for the use of an AED was, but as you know, anyone can be sued. Similarly, many states have "Good Samaritan" laws to protect passersby from claims made.

Can I accidentally shock another rescuer or myself?

AEDs are very safe when used properly. The electric shock is programmed to go from one electrode to another through the victim's chest pad. BasicPrecautions, as a warning to others verbally and visually checked the position clear the area before and during the shock, is almost the safety of the rescuers.

What happens if the victim of a patch of drugs or ECG electrodes on the chest where the electrodes should be placed?

Never AED electrodes directly on the patch drug, like nitroglycerin, or EKG patches. The patch should always be removed and cleaned the skin dry before applying the electrodes toSkin.

I have to remove the electrodes from the principle of rebirth?

No, the electrodes remain for the entire resuscitation until the victim is transferred to advanced care providers such as paramedics. When the electrodes are in their correct position on the chest of the victim, that does not interfere with proper hand placement or compressions.

I was the AED if the victim with a pacemaker or is pregnant?

Yes withhold AED never use in a person forSCA.

I defibrillation on a wet surface?

Yes, provided that the usual safety rules are followed. Make sure the victim's chest dry. Keep the pads away from a damp or conductive.

I defibrillation on or near a metal surface?

Yes, provided that the usual safety rules are followed. Keep the electrode from contact with the conductive surface. Make sure you allow anyone to touch the victim when a shock is administered.

How much of theThe victim's clothing should be removed for defibrillation?

The chest should be exposed to allow placement of the disposable electrodes. A woman's bra should be removed. Clothes should be cut.

Why is it so important to make sure that the electrodes adhered firmly with a clean, dry chest?

Successful defibrillation requires electricity to flow from one electrode to another through the chest pad. When the electrodes are firmly adhered and there isSolder or other conductive material between the electrodes, current flows through the breast are more likely to take place. This will result in ineffective defibrillation and an increased chance of sparks and fire.

Is it okay to place the electrodes directly on a hairy chest?

Electrodes must come in direct contact with skin. If the chest hair is so excessive as a good adhesion of the electrode pads to prevent the hairs must be removedquickly.

What happens if I have a child victim?

It is recommended that pediatric electrodes, which have a charge less than the child in SCA.

After successfully defibrillated the victim, I think on the electrodes?

Yes, even after the victim was defibrillated successfully, he / she is at risk of developing VF again. The AED will continually monitor the victim for the return of VF. VF is suspected, the AED will automatically begin analyzing the victims after two minutesCPR has been completed. The AED should be left to gather the forces responsible for the victim.

What happens if the victim wins a pulse but not breathing or slow breathing?

It is recommended that rescue breaths at a rate of 1 every 5 seconds or 12 minutes to access.

In the past I have asked an AED on a victim of SCA and the AED is always "No Shock Advised." Even with CPR the victim did not survive. Why is the AED shock this victim?

Although VF is the most common heart rhythmArrest, is not the only one. The AED will only shock VF or VT (ventricular tachycardia), which is a very weak but fast heart rhythm. There are other heart rhythm associated with ACS, who are not treated with defibrillation. A "No Shock Advised" message does not mean that the victim's heart rhythm returned to normal.

I was shocked a woman in SCA few minutes after it collapsed. I learned later that did not survive. I did something wrong?

Unfortunately, due to otherUnderlying medical conditions or heart problems, not all victims of SCA who are in VF will survive even if defibrillation is promptly and correctly.

What happens if I'm not perfect all the steps of CPR and defibrillation?

SCA is a situation of high stress. Even experienced health care professionals do not do everything perfectly. In SCA, the resuscitation and the use of an AED can only help the victim.

What happens if I'm not sure if I can use an AED?

Remember this rule: onlyThe use of an AED on someone you would do CPR on - no more and no breath.

ZOLL defibrillator FAQs

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